Appeal of the executive director

Dear colleagues and partners!

Askella Holding is a dynamically developing company, part of the Eurasian Industrial Concern ASKELLA, is a company providing services for the provision of its own and leased gondola cars, platforms and food tanks for the transportation of various cargo nomenclatures. We are also a manufacturer of clothing and products for various purposes for enterprises of the coal, metallurgical, forestry industries, structural divisions of JSC "Russian Railways", Ministries and many other enterprises throughout the Eurasian space.

In the course of our current activities, we pay special attention to the quality of comprehensive services provided to our clients. We build our relations on honest and sincere compliance with contractual obligations and agreed terms.
We are engaged in our business daily and painstakingly, in difficult conditions of the current period, we ensure the fulfillment of our obligations to customers. We support them at a professional level and improve their skills, increase the knowledge and responsibility of the staff.

Askella Holding is open to cooperation with all market participants on the basis of effective interaction and honest partnership.








With respect,
Executive Director
Askella Holding 
Ilya Vadimovich MOLCHANOV